Waterjet Cutting FAQ's

Art works of all varieties from all types of materials, custom signs, logos, lettering, railing pieces, flanges, brackets, machined parts, tools, clamps, gears, granite tiles, marble inlays, decorative patterns, … even a few branding irons! We’ve made parts for cars, boats, clocks, gates, homes, decks, wineries, farms, heavy equipment, … the list goes on and on and on.

Steels, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Glass, Plastics, Granite, Marble, Vinyl, Wood, Ceramics, Composites, Rubber, Teflon, Fiberglass… Basically anything that holds it’s own shape.

Up to about 9 inches thick.

The work area is roughly 80 x 160″, or a bit larger than a 6′ x 12′ sheet of material.

A computer-controlled nozzle directs a fine stream of water at 50,000 psi. An abrasive is mixed into the water stream and directed at the work to create your shape to within 0.005″!

Cost is based on the cutting time and materials required for your project. Some adjustments are made for setup and programming when appropriate — and only up front!

We start with drawings, sketches, photos, and ideas. Adobe Illustrator and CAD files work best. But if you can draw it, we can cut it.


Triton Waterjet Cutting
Triton Waterjet Cutting