You can reach us by phone, fax, email, or even via the USPS as listed below or use the contact form:
Triton WaterJet
849 Jackson St. #5B
Napa, CA 94559
Mailing address:
PO Box 6827
Napa, CA 94581
707-299-1001 phone
707-226-1052 fax
Contact Us
The easiest way to get to our shop:
From Hwy 29 in Napa, take Lincoln Ave. exit and go East about 1 mile, turn right on Yajome St. (2nd Right after 7-11 on your right)
2nd Left onto Bale St. drive straight toward the fence at the end of the parking lot.
Our shop is on the South side of a one-block-long building. No need to use Jackson St. to find us, even though that is our addresF